Richard Dyers Star Theory is the idea that icons and celebrities are manufactured by institutions
for financial gain. He believes that stars are constructed to represent
'real people' experiencing real emotions. Celebs are constructed by the music
industry to serve a purpose; to make money out of the audience, who respond to
various elements of their personality, this is done by buying records, CD’s,
merchandise and becoming a fan.
His theory is spilt into three sections:
1. Audiences and Institutions
2. Constitutions
3. Hegemony
Audience and Institutions
Dyer explains that stars are constructed and their human emotions are sometimes neglected when the media talk about them.
Their Unique Selling Point constructs them into recognisable artists/stars.Their record company manufactures shapes them into something that will attract audiences. This explains why some artists share similarities.
Stars are made for money purposes alone. Increasing the brand identity benefits the institution as they become a household name increasing sales in all of the media platforms they are in. The institution then models the artist around the target audience they choose. For example Lady GaGa, according to Dyer, was modeled around fashion forward people so the audience can relate to her as a person and also her music.
Constitutions / character personality
Pop stars establish their character and personality through their songs and performances, especially if they have wrote the song themselves. This helps to connect and relate to the audience.
Stars conform to a set of ideas in society such as women being thin and beautiful, some artists do fear away from this and are still "lovable".
Michael Jackson: Widely know as the 'king of pop', his cinematic music videos, unique fashion statements and his live performances
This is also know as 'culture'. It is the idea that the audience relates to the star because they have a feature they the share or admire with the star. A star may start a fashion trend, with masses of fans copying their hairstyle and clothing.
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