Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Editing 4

As we become closer and closer to the end of our editing for the music video we feel the need to continue making improvements in order to make the video more interesting and impressive.
During this editing sessions we added more footage in order to fill in any gaps we had and to continue making the narrative flow. After doing this we made sure everything matched and made sense before continuing.
We also worked on the beginning of the video by adding a 'logo' for our artist so the audience will instantly recognise the artist.

To make our video more fascinating we added different transitions and effects on to our footage, for example the 'earthquake' feature and the 'trails' effect:

I thought it was a good idea to experiment with different aspects of Final Cut Pro X within our music video as such effects like 'Trails' conveys ideas of distortion and unstable which links nicely within the representation of our characters and their teenage codes and conventions.
From certain feedback of our rough edit we were told some of our shots weren't as visible due to the use of the natural low key lighting, therefore taking this on board we lightened up the dark shots using the editing tools on Final Cut. This makes it much easier for the audience to see what is going on in certain parts of the narrative as the shadows are removed.

Our Final Steps:
  • We will continue to add more experimental effects on to our footage in order for the video to be as exciting as possible and be different throughout.
  • Make sure certain parts of the video are perfect, for example the cuts of footage on the beat of the song and the lip syncing.
  • Add more footage of our actresses singing along to the song whilst looking at the camera towards the end of the video in order to conclude the narrative.

Our product so far:

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