Monday, 25 September 2017

Costume and Makeup Research

In terms of the artists themselves there costume proves to be extremely basic and come across as if no thought or effort has been put into them. The overall colour combinations consist of a bland and colourless palette for example, blacks and greys. The casual clothing fits very well with their style of music as songs are relaxed and take more of a laid back approach to music.

These kind of costumes are influenced throughout their music videos to continue this relaxed style featuring jackets and plain shirts. So this is what I will try to achieve when styling my actors that will feature within my own music video as costume in an important aspect of the genre so I will be following this convention.

As for makeup, the male artists do not seem to feature any makeup within their looks, possible due to that fact that the artists are being perceived as natural and once again casual. However, even the female artist do not show much interest in a lot of makeup, from my research I can see that it is also very natural with parts showing a more grudge feel by having dark eyeshadow showing their target audience that there may be a darker side to their music.

-This research will help me tremendously when it comes to styling my actors in order for them to fit the conventions of our music video fitting with the alternative genre. We believe that we will feature both a male and female within our narrative in our video to carry out a love story, from this I believe that the female actor should wear casual clothing for example a dress or jeans and a top, however, we may challenge these conventions of costume and allow our actor to wear clothes with bursts of colour to show originality within our video. As for the male actor, I believe the same applies with a basic costume. This will consist of a plain jacket over dull coloured t-shirt and jeans.-

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